Nils and Eva Båth wanted to help create a better future. Living in a home heated with an air water pump and having installed solar panels on the roof, it was a matter of course for them to supplement their investment with an energy storage. Something that happened to open larger opportunities for their electricity use than they had first anticipated.
Nils Båth always had a strong interest in energy issues. An interest that made him attend many meetings and start wondering about what he himself could do to help build a better world. One day he went to a meeting about how single-family homes could contribute to the energy transition.
“We had acquired solar panels a few years earlier and felt it was time for the next step. With an energy storage, we could use the electricity from our solar panels any time of the day.”
Nils Båth
Nils started looking at different solutions for storing electricity and heat and soon got in touch with Enequi.
– To me, the most important thing was to find a reasonably large and fireproof storage solution that would make it possible to use solar energy even in the evening and at night. Enequi’s solution exceeded my expectations, says Nils.
Nils’s transformation tips #1
Solar panels and energy storage belong together
“If you have solar panels at home, energy storage is a no brainer. It is an obvious natural consequence. We had solar panels without storage for three years, where most of the production was sold right back to the electricity grid. With an energy storage, we can use our self-produced electricity even at night and if there is something left, we can use it in the morning as well.”

Intelligent energy
Compared to traditional storage solutions, Enequi’s energy storage system optimizes the electrical system in the house in which it is installed, while cutting power peaks, helping to avoid expensive power tariffs, and giving homeowners the opportunity to store energy during the day to use in the evening and at night. The solution is flexible and tailored to match the customer’s energy needs. In addition, the energy storage comes with the accessories QuiPower Charger, which enables electric car charging, and QuiPower Off-Grid, which makes it possible to continue producing, storing, and using solar energy even during power outages.
Nils’s transformation tips #2
Think about the future
“Try to be 50 years ahead of your time. The development around energy management is progressing fast and there will be a shortage of electricity in the future. Do what you can to secure your own consumption.”
A tailor-made solution
After Nils and Eva’s first contact with Enequi, a project manager came to visit, to help the couple find the right energy storage solution for their needs. They shortly concluded that QuiPower Storage Module, one of Enequi’s smaller systems, would be the best fit for the case. The solution suited the household with its 6 kilowatt-hours of storage capacity and a hybrid inverter that enables management of electricity from both the solar panels on the roof and the batteries in the energy storage.
– Nils and Eva’s production of solar was higher than usual for a property of their size, which meant that there were lots of surplus electricity that the couple themselves could not use. When we looked at their electricity agreements, energy consumption and solar energy production, we realized that an energy storage could cut parts of their electricity costs as well as help the couple use their self-produced electricity in a better way. Nils and Eva’s plan on acquiring an electric car made the need for an energy store even greater, says Enequi’s project manager and continues:
– Our initial discussion was about moving energy from day to night. Eventually we got into talking about additional advantages of acquiring an energy storage and found that Nils and Eva would benefit from cutting power peaks and enable safe electric car charging at home.

Eva’s transformation tips #1
Come full circle for the sake of the planet and your wallet
“Combining solar panels, energy storage and an electric car has reduced our transportation costs to almost zero. We are impressed that it works so well.”
Driving on sunshine
Before Nils and Eva acquired their energy storage, they had decided to buy an electric car.
– We are amazed, because the costs for driving are almost zero, as the car runs on electricity that we harvest by ourselves. Driving costs are less than a tenth compared to a gasoline car, says Eva.
Every morning, the car is fully charged and heated with solar so that Nils and Eva’s son, with whom they share the electric car, gets some sunshine with him when he starts his day.
– Combining solar panels and energy storage with an electric car as we have done is like coming full circle. It feels fantastic, Eva concludes.

Energy storage